ABA Enhanced CBT Track in Weston, FL
Combined Applied Behavioral Analysis, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Executive
Functioning Training
NBI has created a special track for individuals and families that need a comprehensive treatment approach that integrates the principles
and techniques of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Executive Functioning Training (EFT).
Each of these complementary modalities incorporates discipline-specific assessments and methodologies to support overall treatment
progress (see below for definitions of these terms). Staff members work together as a true team, sharing data, developing strategies, and
troubleshooting obstacles, in order to make desired improvements. The team is available to respond to any questions or concerns, as
well as to communicate with referrers or other involved professionals.
Eligibility for the ABA Enhanced CBT track is based upon information gathered throughout an initial consultation, a needs assessment, and
a review of the available records.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT uses evidence-based psychological interventions to modify cognitive errors and maladaptive behaviors. This approach has been found
to be effective in treating a wide range of psychological conditions. CBT has also been modified successfully for many kinds of social, academic,
and psychological profiles.
Executive Functioning Training (EFT)
EFT focuses on teaching and implementing strategies that increase understanding, planning, and achievement of goals. The structure of
EFT is tailored to the individual, based on his or her current and evolving needs. Sessions are typically held once a week; however,
sessions can be more frequent if deemed necessary. As part of the integrated team, the EFT coach works closely with psychologists
and behavioral therapists to ensure strong treatment follow through.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
ABA focuses on the reduction of inappropriate or problematic behaviors while teaching new skills to replace them. Various methods of
teaching are utilized in ABA and treatment is individualized for each client.