Executive Functioning Training in Weston, FL
Treatment for Cognitive Behavioral Disorders
Executive functioning is our brain’s ability to regulate, organize, and direct our thoughts and behaviors. Executive functions are a set of
higher-level cognitive skills that allow us to break down a goal into a step-by-step plan, manage time, control focus, and regulate behavior in
order to get things done.
Achievement in all aspects of life is the result of executive functioning. This is because it bases learning on prior experiences so that the
same mistakes are not made repeatedly. Additionally, it allows for task completion because it helps with maintaining focus and
considering consequences prior to action. Considering this, executive functioning is a key element for success in school, work, and relationships.
When executive functions do not function correctly, working memory, reasoning, task flexibility, and problem-solving become less effective.
Without these skills, it becomes increasingly more difficult to begin a task, follow through till the end, and make necessary adjustments along
the way.
Redefining Behavior
It is important to keep in mind that what may appear as “lazy” or “unmotivated” may be a sheer manifestation of executive dysfunction.
These deficits not only impact academic success but are typically generalized to daily functioning as well. It is common to see executive
dysfunction accompanied by depression, anxiety, and a poor sense of self-efficacy. Therefore, improving executive functioning can have
a great impact on the modification of maladaptive behavior.
The longer the deficits are ignored the more likely it is to develop unhealthy habits, such as procrastinating, capitulating, or simply
opposing task initiation all together. Early diagnosis and intervention for problems in executive functioning are extremely important.
Executive Dysfunction is Not Rare
While there is no set number to determine just how common executive dysfunction is, it is certainly not uncommon. Often, issues pertaining
to executive functioning appear in those with diagnoses such as ADHD, dementia, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, mood disorders, and learning
disorders. Executive dysfunction does not have a clear-cut diagnosis according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM); rather, executive
functioning is often a criterion for multiple disorders. Even so, psychologists are able to administer tests in order to determine executive
functioning deficits and, upon doing so, give recommendations for treatment. Observed behaviors are the most important factor in
determining executive functioning issues, hence why a distinct diagnosis is not the only means of determining such deficits.
Who Can Benefit From Executive Functioning Treatment?
Executive functioning training benefits children and adults that are not performing to their ability because of difficulties with self-management.
Core Problems Include:
Poor time management
Struggling to start important tasks
Prioritizing fun too much over responsibilities
“Stressing” or shutting down due to school or work
Children end up struggling with teachers and parents, handing homework in late, and losing things. Adults end up mixing up appointment
times, arriving late for work, or forgetting to do important tasks. Whether a psychoeducational evaluation has pinpointed executive
dysfunction or not, enlisting the help of a therapist or executive functioning specialist can certainly help those with deficits to build upon
their areas of weakness. Once a support team is created between clients, family, and specialists, an appropriate plan of action can be developed
and implemented in order to help individuals work towards success.