Blink, Blink, Clop, Clop
By: E. Katia Moritz, Ph.D., ABPP.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is not an easy concept to explain to young children. Blink, Blink, Clop, Clop was written to give parents and professionals an entry into talking with children about OCD, a complex and usually progressive neurobiological disorder. Children can relate their own experiences to those of Henrietta, Daisy, Snort, and Biscuit, a group of farm animals who have obsessive thoughts and compulsions that turn out to be caused by a bullying and mischievous insect named OCFlea.

OCFlea represents the little, intrusive, and worrying voice that often troubles children with OCD. The use of this character makes this complex condition understandable and provides something more tangible for children and their families to fight back against. Without understanding what is happening to them, children with OCD often suffer from difficult feelings like guilt, depression, frustration, or anger.
As the story progresses, the animals come to realize that they are more powerful than the OCFlea. Blink, Blink, Clop, Clop can help children begin the important journey to understanding their own symptoms and empower children to face their OCD just like the brave animals did.
By: Jonathan Hoffman, Ph.D., ABPP.
Life changes the moment a child is diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, especially when it involves the presence of obsessive-compulsive behaviors that so often impede progress. Helping a child with Asperger’s syndrome make changes, by definition, means that those who care for and about the child will have to make changes too, sometimes difficult ones. For caregivers, getting unstuck means being open-minded about developing different perspectives, as well as learning and practicing new skills even if they are uncomfortable at first. It also requires the ability to simultaneously be realistic and maintain a positive attitude through trying times; no easy task, of course.

Stuck was written with this focus in mind. Throughout this book, there are practical, action-oriented activities designed to increase awareness, reinforce learning, and support the development of effective intervention strategies. Whether you are a parent, an educator, or a healthcare professional, you will find Stuck helpful in this process.

Are symptoms of anxiety, OCD or related disorders interfering with work, school, social functioning, or self-care for you or somebody that you love? NBI utilizes a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach to treat these challenging conditions. Explore what a personalized treatment plan would look like by scheduling a first consultation appointment with one of our clinicians.
Get control of your life. For more information, please call us at 954-217-1757.