School and Workplace Sessions and Consultation in Weston, FL
Weston Behavioral Health Services
Our staff members are often asked to provide information and consultation to schools. This can take many forms, from presenting results
of psychological testing and discussing the needs of a particular student at a team meeting, to assisting a teacher or administrator who is
dealing with a student with mental health and/or behavioral problems or performing a classroom observation. We have conducted many
workshops, lectures, and in-service training at schools as well. We find providing such services is vital to many of our patients and families,
and also important in NBI’s goal of supporting efforts to address students’ psychological and behavioral health in educational settings.
The same holds true for workplace issues. We are available to help further understanding of psychological issues and disorders that affect the
workplace, whether via experiential workshops, seminars, or individual consultation with organizational leaders, or designated employees.
There have also been numerous occasions where we have been able to actually go to a patient’s job to assist them with difficulties that affect
their work performance.
When it comes to workplace issues, NBI endorses the importance of getting out of our office and into yours.